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W M Imports, Inc.

Exclusive Distributor for AIDI

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Intro - Team Noël-Willockx develops AIDI concept

Eddy Noël represents more than 40 years of experience in the pigeon sport. For a large part he worked as a specialized nutritionist and he developed various high-quality, perfectly balanced feed mixtures and by-products adapted to the contemporary pigeon sport. They allow pigeons to perform at their best.

Eddy is an authority in the field of nutrition and by-products for pigeon sport and likes to share that knowledge during one of his many lectures about nutrition, darkening and lighting, better breeding and racing performances, playing with young pigeons, a healthy loft climate ...

He is also the author of many articles on pigeon sport and supervised several successful top lofts.

Together with Ivan Willockx, he forms the Belgian tandem Team Noël-Willockx. Ivan learned the tricks of the top sports profession as a former professional football player. Today he is active as a pigeon broker and in that capacity he visits many fanciers. As a result, he knows better than anyone the daily needs of top players.

In short, two specialists in the field who know what it takes to get a body in top shape and keep it in order to achieve the best performance. This is proven by the excellent results in his own loft and with others.

AIDI Concept

In a professional approach, details make the difference

A healthy, balanced diet is therefore very important. After all, the correct nutrition throughout the year has an influence on the general state of health, the level of fitness, the maintenance of that level of shape, the intensity and duration of the exercise, recovery, etc. to deliver. That is of course not easy and it requires very specific guidance.

The very best is just good enough and that is exactly why we have chosen to use only high-quality ingredients to compose our mixtures. This, together with 45 years of expertise, extensive tests and the most recent scientific insights, form the basis of the AIDI concept.

The fact is that the performance and recovery of our athletes can be greatly improved through a correct diet. Carbohydrates and fats as fuel, proteins for the structure, vitamins, minerals and trace elements as protection. The best possible balance between the different types of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for different distances and conditions is the key to success here. 

  • Before the season we prepare the racing pigeons for the races by means of an adjusted program.

  • During the racing season, we provide our athletes with sufficient fuel week after week

  • After the match, we choose a good recovery mix with additional by-products at appropriate times

In our AIDI concept, all mixtures are composed in such a way that the use of by-products can be reduced to a minimum. The high absorption of energy and building materials of our feeds ensure the most complete possible fat burning with very little waste. This allows pigeons to complete an intense racing program without loss of condition and shape.

To be able to deliver top performance at the right time, nutritional supplements are certainly useful. In addition to a well-balanced food, they are an indispensable link in the whole. The message is to act as little as possible, yet efficiently and purposefully, and to anticipate the past and / or emerging circumstances.

A pigeon does not really need much. Whatever you give, keep in mind that everything will have to be processed by the liver of the small pigeon body. The trick is to do the right things at the right times and to know what to do when, why and how. Only use things that compensate for the shortcomings of your feed and have proven that they can create added value in a performance-oriented way. Just “adjusting” for tough flights or as the season progresses, will allow our athletes to start again in the best conditions and condition.

In addition to good pigeons, a good loft, good health, sufficient training and rest, our sophisticated professional AIDI feeding system and the appropriate use of our scientifically sound AIDI nutritional supplements are just the things that allow you to put the finishing touches on the 'i'.
This ensures that pigeons appear at the start in tip-top shape and gives them the chance to perform at their best.  

Good luck!
Eddy Noël and Ivan Willockx

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